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Geometry Honors

Course ID: 1015

Note: This course will be face to face only. Streaming this course online will NOT be an option. The main goal of Geometry is to develop an understanding of what we call Euclidean geometric structures and apply the resulting theorems and formulas to address meaningful problems. This course will develop the students' reasoning skills as well as their ability to use logic to prove theorems and justify conclusions. Students will extend their knowledge of algebra and geometry to trigonometry. The course uses algebra to reinforce
geometric concepts, definitions, postulates and theorems. Students will cover topics such as congruency and similarity of triangles; quadrilaterals, parallel lines, circles, area and volume of solids, and right triangle trigonometry, area and volume of solids. Proofs will be included but not overwhelmingly. This class is a high school honors credited course and average students should expect to spend about 8 - 9 hours a week outside of the class to complete all assignments and study for their tests. Students are not allowed to use notes or any other help, other than their own calculator, on their quizzes and tests. Again, this estimate
of 8 - 9 hours of outside classroom work is based on an average. If a student does not stay focused, or if a student is missing any pre-requisite knowledge necessary for this course, they may spend more time than 9 hours a week. Conversely, if a student is gifted mathematically, they may spend less than 8 hours a week of outside classroom time on assignments and studying.

Please note: A parent or caregiver MUST proctor all tests taken at home. All tests must be signed by the parent or caregiver, to signify this supervision occurred. Again, the student must only have access to their
calculator and NO technological device capable of internet connection can be accessible.

Information regarding where to send this test will be coming shortly. Thank you for your patience.

*Math Lab Tutoring will be available Thursdays from 9:30am -12:30 pm in the RCF Math Lab.* All CEDAR policies apply. RSVP by email 24 hours in advance. Cost: $15.00 per student per Thursday. One-on-one tutoring is also available by request through the teacher

Prerequisites: Pre-test for Geometry

Resources and Materials:

  1. Geometry Home School Kit 4th Edition

    — Author: BJU Press

    — ISBN-13: 978-1-60682-895-3

    — This bundle includes all materials

Categories: Honors; Math
Target Levels: Grade 9; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12
High School Credits: 1

Tuition and Class Schedule by Academic Term:

Full Year 2024-25

  • Tuition and Fees

    • Materials Fee: $50.00

    • Tuition Fee: $595.00

    • Paid Security Guard Fee for Safety of Students: $25.00

  • Section 1: Jamey Akien ( (Open)

    • Tue 7:45 am - 9:20 am

Topics and Objectives
1. Chapter 1 - Foundations of Geometry
— 1.1
1.To use correct notation related to sets
2.To perform set operations
3.To illustrate set relationships and operations with Venn diagrams
— 1.2
1.To use the characteristics of a good definition to evaluate definitions
2.To identify and illustrate the three undefined terms
3.To state and apply basic geometric definitions
— 1.3
1.To describe the structure and characteristic of an ideal geometric system
2.To state and apply key postulates and theorems.
— 1.4
1. To define and identify subsets of lines and planes
2. To state and apply the separation postulates
— 1.5 To state and apply the Ruler, Protractor, and Angle Addition Postulates; To use coordinates to determine distances; To classify angles by their measure; To apply the definitions of between, congruence, midpoint, and adjacent angles
— 1.6 To identify curves, simple curves, and closed curves; To identify convex and concave regions; To identify and name circles, polygons, and related terms; To calculate the perimete of a polygon and the circumference of a circle
— 1.7 To identify and name spheres, cones, cylinders, and polyhedra, including prisms and pyramids; To identify terms related to these three-dimensional figures
— 1.8 To distinguish between sketches, drawings, and constructions; To create elementary sketches, drawings and constructions; To understand what information can and cannot be assumed from a figure
2. Chapter 2 - Reasoning and Proof
3. Chapter 3 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4. Chapter 4 - Congruent Triangles
5. Chapter 5 - Relationships in Triangles
6. Chapter 6 - Quadrilaterals
7. Chapter 7 - Area
8. Chapter 8 - Circles
9. Chapter 9 - Surface Area and Volume
10. Chapter 10 - Transformations and Symmetry
11. Chapter 11 - Similarity
12. Chapter 12 - Intro to Trigonometry

Our mission is to provide quality, God-honoring academic face to face classes to assist parents in educating their children. CEDAR is a not-for-profit ministry serving families in our community. A value for CEDAR is for each family to be active and serving in their local church.
957 Rock Island Road
North Lauderdale, FL 33068

Beth Brookins
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