Fundamentals of Vocal Music (Group Singing)
Fundamentals of Vocal Music 1 is an introduction to the study of singing. Students will be introduced to essential music theory concepts and sight-reading skills that serve as the building blocks for reading and understanding music. Students will learn the basics of bel canto singing and will work on a piece of solo repertoire that they will be able to perform at the end of the semester, allowing them to apply and demonstrate the musical skills they have learned. Students will get the opportunity to explore and become familiar with important vocal literature of different styles and genres ranging from operas to Contemporary Christian Music. Students will learn proper concert etiquette for both the performer and the audience member. Each class will consist of a sampling of each topic, gradually getting more advanced as the semester progresses. This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of singing and encourage students to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of vocal music.
Resources and Materials:
1. Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory Book 1
- Authors: Andrew Surmani, Karen Farnum Surnami, Morton Manus
- Publisher: Alfred Music; Illustrated edition (January 1, 1998)
- ISBN-13: 978-0882848945
2. Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory Book 2
- Authors: Andrew Surmani, Karen Farnum Surnami, Morton Manus
- Publisher: Alfred Music; Illustrated edition (January 1, 1998)
- ISBN-13: 978-0882848952
3. Carta Manuscript Paper No.1 – Basic Loose Leaf
- Publisher: HAL LEONARD CORPORATION; Unbnd edition (February 1, 1997)
- ISBN-13: 978-0793556205
4. Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
5. 1-inch binder with 5 Dividers
- Put both the manuscript paper and notebook paper in the binder
6. Pencils
- All assignments, tests, and markings made in music MUST be done in pencil, class notes may be taken in pen
7. Solo Repertoire Book: TBD
Categories: Elective
Target Levels: Grade 6; Grade 7
Grace Johnson
Tuition and Class Schedule by Academic Term:
One Semester
Section 1:
12:40 - 2:00 PM
Section 2:
2:00 - 3:25 PM
Tuition and Fees
Tuition Fee: $595.00 per semester
Paid Security Guard Fee for Safety of Students: $25.00
Topics and Objectives
Music Theory
- Unit 1: The staff, notes and pitches; Treble Clef and Staff; Bass Clef and Staff; The Grand Staff and Ledger Lines (the middle notes); Ledger Lines (low and high notes)
- Unit 2: Note Value; Measure, Bar Line and Double Bar; 4/4 Time Signature and Note Values; Whole, Half, and Quarter Rests
- Unit 3: 2/4 Time Signature; ¾ Time Signature; Dotted Half Note; Ties and Slurs
- Unit 4: Repeat Sign, 1st and 2nd Endings; Eighth Notes; Eighth Rests; Dotted Quarter Note
- Unit 5: Dynamic signs; Tempo Marks; Articulation; D.C., D.S., Coda and Fine
- Unit 6: Flats; Sharps; Naturals; Whole Steps, Half Steps and Enharmonic Notes
- Unit 7: Tetrachords and Major Scales; The Sharp Scales---G and D Major; The Flat Scales---F and B-flat Major; Key Signatures—The Sharp Keys; Key Signatures—The Flat Keys
Sight Reading
- Students will learn to sight-read introductory level sheet music
Basics of Singing
- Students will learn proper singing posture, breath support, vocalizing/ warm-up exercises and techniques, proper vocal placement, singing vowels, and how to take care of their voice
Individual Repertoire Selection
- Students will be assigned solo music to learn throughout the course, both in class and in private practice, that they will be expected to have “performance ready” by the end of the semester
Vocal Literature
- Students will be able to recognize important pieces of vocal literature in the styles/genres of art songs, operas, oratorios, musical theater, jazz, hymns, and CCM. Students will be able to identify relevant information about each piece, such as title, composer name, larger work origin, and language
Concert Etiquette
- Students will learn the proper etiquette for being a performer on-stage and a great audience member