Survey of the Bible (not being offered 2024-2025)
This course teaches students how to understand the bible and how to commune with God. This course is targeted to 8th and 9th graders who want to become better prepared to take the class WORLDVIEW. 6th to 9th grade are welcome, but please be aware, this is a lecture based class. Whenever we study a passage of the Bible, we need to be able to answer two questions: First, what was the message the original biblical writer intended to communicate? Second, how does that message fit into the larger story and message of the Bible? This course will seek to provide the interpretative skills to answer those questions along with an overview of the basic content and themes of the Bible. Once we correctly "interpret" a passage, we are then on a course to commune with God. After all, if we grow in our knowledge of the Bible, but fail to grow in our relationship with God, we have missed God's purpose in giving us the scriptures. This course, therefore, will focus on learning to use God's word to converse with God as we walk with Him. The outcome will be an overview of both the Old and New Testament and the goal is for every student to grow regardless of where they’re at with the Bible.
In Semester 1, tracing the storyline of the Bible while reading “God’s Big Picture” and an overview of Old Testament periods of history
In Semester 2, an overview of the New Testament in four parts and reading/discussing passages of the NT as assigned
1. Life of Jesus
2. Acts (early church history)
3. Letters
4. Revelation