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English I Honors
Course ID: 1018
English I is the first course in our series of high school courses composed of literature, composition, grammar and vocabulary designed for ninth graders. Students will learn the basics of grammar, build vocabulary, and establish the groundwork for future literary criticism. The course will focus on developing each student into a strong writer by using the six traits of writing: content, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions. Students will practice all types of writing including descriptive, poetry, expository, persuasive, narrative, and a research paper. Compositions will be submitted through Study Place and a hard copy will be brought to class. Weekly grammar worksheets will be graded by the parent with scores submitted to the instructor via Study Place. In addition, ten new vocabulary words and a few roots words will be introduced weekly. The students will create ten “flash cards” in a Word document for submission. Parents will administer a weekly quiz on the words. Literature is the third component in which students will read a variety of short stories and books and answer questions regarding the reading. Parents will grade literature for completion. Poetry and short story elements will be highlighted. Tests for the four components of this class will be given in the middle and end of each semester at home and submitted for instructor grading.
Please purchase the books with the covers shown below. See the pictures in the Course Outline to ensure purchasing the correct editions according to the ISBN. These are the editions needed as they are the textbooks for class, and each student needs to have the same book. If the wrong book is brought to class, the student will have to reorder the correct one.
This class will involve up to 1.5 hours of homework per day.
Parental Involvement: Parents, NEVER STUDENTS, are to honestly grade and poll the student’s work. Please be prepared for weekly writing, reading, vocabulary, and grammar assignments. In addition, parents should be prepared to be involved in the class. Parents will be responsible for grading objective vocabulary quizzes and grammar homework. The parent will also check literature worksheets for completion. Parents will poll the vocabulary quiz, and literature and grammar homework. The teacher will grade all compositions and vocabulary homework. Students and parents enrolling in this course must have access to a Microsoft Word processing program and possess basic computer skills as compositions and homework will be typed and submitted through Study Place. Additionally a hard copy will be brought to class. Please note: Mac users must save their reports to a Word Doc before sending them to Mrs. Gardner through Study Place.
Notes: All images on the schedule page have been retrieved from and Vanessa Bush has compiled the vocabulary, grammar, and composition worksheets.
Parent’s and Student’s Responsibility: Watch the English I Tutorial Including Course Overview and Navigating StudyPlace before Open House.
Home School Evaluation: Information
Prerequisites: Diagnostic Test for English I All students must take the diagnostic test to get into English I regardless if the student has taken junior high English classes at CEDAR. The student has seven days to take the test after registering for the class and must mail the test to Mrs. Gardner upon completion: 10102 Boynton Place Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33437, or deliver it in person. Also include a check with the test for $25 as a grading fee. Students will not be approved for class until the test and check have been received and assessed. The test will allow the parent and teacher to know the student’s strengths and weaknesses. If weaknesses are significant, a tutor during the summer will be recommended.
Summer Preparations: 1.) Learn how to type. 2.) Read two extra-curricular books for the student’s choice. 3.) Watch the Composition Formatting Video and Vocabulary Card Instructional Video. 4.) Learn the MLA and Punctuation rules. 5.) Look up online and learn the eight parts of speech and definitions, the list of linking and helping verbs, and the list of prepositions.
The Odyssey by Homer; translated by W.H.D. Rouse ISBN: 978-0-451-53068-4
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom by John and Elizabeth Sherrill ISBN: 978-0-8007-9405-7
English from the Roots Up, Volume 1. Set of Latin and Greek root word cards ISBN 10: 1885942133 / ISBN 13: 9781885942135
Categories: English; Honors; Literature
Target Levels: Grade 9
High School Credits: 1
Andrea Gardner
Tuition and Class Schedule by Academic Term:
Full Year 2024-25
Tuition and Fees
Grading Fee: $80.00
Tuition Fee: $595.00
Paid Security Guard Fee for Safety of Students: $25.00
Curriculum Fee: $50.00
Section 1: Andrea Gardner ( (Open)
Tue 2:05 PM - 3:25 PM
Topics and Objectives
1. Introduction to Class Scope and Sequence and Procedures
— Glance at the year-long objectives.
— Review classroom etiquette and procedures.
— Organize the notebook.
— Refer to MLA DDF, sample composition, MLA Checklist, and Punctuation Guidelines.
2. Academic Integrity Pledge
— Read and sign the pledge to turn in the first day of class.
3. Nouns
— Define a noun and the various types of nouns.
— Name a proper noun for a corresponding common noun.
— Name a common noun from a corresponding proper noun.
— Label concrete and abstract nouns.
— Label compound and collective nouns.
— Determine a list of nouns as a person, place, thing, or idea.
4. The Topic Sentence and Writing a Paragraph
— Reference the Document Design Format and Punctuation Guidelines for writing assignments.
— Compose a descriptive paragraph with at least four supporting sentences starting with the topic sentence: "I am (add adjective)."
— Compose a second paragraph with at least four supporting sentences for the topic sentence describing someone else: "(Name of person) is (add adjective)."
— Type both paragraphs in one document with the topic sentences underlined using the DDF and Punctuation Guidelines.
5. Vocabulary List 1 and Root Words 1-4
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each vocabulary word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence example.
— Pronounce each vocabulary word.
— Recall from a list of the vocabulary words the general definitions for each one.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words 1-4 with definitions.
6. Pronouns
— Define a pronoun.
— Recognize personal, possessive, reflexive, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite pronouns.
— Memorize each list of specific pronouns.
7. Developing a Paragraph
— Make a list of specific information for paragraph development.
— Develop a paragraph with examples and details, life experiences, facts or reasons, or comparisons or contrasts.
— Write one distinct paragraph from a choice of prompts by using specific nouns, adjectives, and verbs.
8. Vocabulary List 2 and Root Words 5-8
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and contextually sound sentence example.
— Pronounce each word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words 5-8 with definitions.
9. Recognizing Adjectives
— Define an adjective.
— Recall the five adjective questions.
— Label or underline the different adjectives: pronominal, articles, and proper.
— Distinguish whether a word is being used as a noun or adjective by the position of the word in a sentence.
10. Short Story Elements and "The Necklace"
— Rephrase the definitions for short story elements.
— Answer objective questions about the story "The Necklace."
— Analyze "The Necklace" to determine the short story elements.
11. Vocabulary List 3 and Root Words 9-12
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
12. Verbs
— Define a verb.
— List the linking verbs.
— List the helping verbs.
— Distinguish the difference between action, linking, and helping verbs by finding them in a sentence.
13. Grammar Review
— Define the noun and name the various types of nouns giving examples of each.
— Memorize the pronoun lists and definition.
— Define the adjective and memorize the adjective questions.
14. Varying Sentence Beginnings
— Compose sentences that begin with single-word modifiers, phrases, and clauses rather than the subject and verb.
15. The Short Story "The Gift of the Magi"
— Answer objective questions for "The Gift of the Magi."
— Analyze the short story elements found in the "Gift of the Magi."
16. Vocabulary List 4/Root Words 13-16
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of the vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words 13-16 with definitions.
17. Adverbs
— Define an adverb.
— Identify an adverb and tell whether it modifies a verbs, an adjectives, or another adverb.
— Classify whether an adverb answers "where," "when," "how," "how often," "to what extent," or "why."
18. Writing a Short Story
— Create an original 500-800 word short story incorporating the short story elements
19. Vocabulary List 5 and Root Word Review 1-16
— Recall the definitions of root words 1-16.
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
20. Short Story "Thank You, Ma'am"
— Answer objective questions about "Thank You, Ma'am."
— Analyze the short story elements in "Thank You, Ma'am."
21. Prepositions
— Define a preposition.
— Recite the list of prepositions to the tune of "bingo."
— Recognize prepositions and compound prepositions in sentences.
22. Writing a Short Story Part II
— Create an attention-getting opening sentence for the original short story.
— Utilize and punctuate dialogue in the original short story.
23. Short Story "Split Cherry Tree"
— Answer comprehension questions for "Split Cherry Tree."
— Interpret "Split Cherry Tree" finding short story elements.
24. Vocabulary Words List 6
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary words.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
25. Conjunctions
— Define a conjunction.
— Contrast the difference of conjunctions that are coordinating, correlative, subordinating, or conjunctive adverbs.
26. Show; Don't Tell
— Change sentences that tell to sentences that show by using words that appeal to the five senses.
27. Oral Presentation of Original Short Story
— Critique the strengths and weaknesses of students' short stories.
28. Vocabulary List 7 and Root Words 17-20
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
29. Interjections and Parts of Speech Review
— Define an interjection.
— Locate interjections in sentences.
30. Midterm Review for Grammar, Composition, Literature, and Vocabulary/Week 7
— Take part in a review game for the mid-term exams.
31. Original Short Story Sharing
— Critique the story elements found in students' original short stories.
32. Subject and Predicate
— Define the subject and predicate of a sentence.
— Divide a sentence to separate the subject from the predicate.
— Label groups of words either fragment or sentence.
— Identify the simple subject and predicate of a sentence.
33. Introduction to Poetry and Poetry Terminology
— Compose an extended metaphor poem comparing to dissimilar objects.
— Dissect a Psalm finding a simile or metaphor and tell what is being compared.
34. Vocabulary List 9 and Root Words 21-24
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
35. Subjects and Predicates Part II/Week 10
— Find the inverted subject and predicate in interrogative sentences.
— Examine imperative sentences that have an understood "you" for the subject.
— Pick out compound subjects and verbs in sentences.
36. Poetry: Sound Devices
— Discover various sound devices in classic poetry samples.
37. Compare and Contrast Good and Bad Poetry
— Review tips for writing good poetry.
38. Poetry Portfolio
— Summarize the Poetry Portfolio requirements involving original poems and poetry critiques.
39. Vocabulary List 10 and Root Words 25-28
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word
— Recall from a list vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
40. Diagramming Sentences
— Label each word of the diagram sentences.
— Diagram simple and compound sentences.
41. Preposition and Personification Poems
— Compose a preposition poem based on an abstract noun.
— Illustrate personification by composing examples of human qualities given to inanimate objects.
42. Vocabulary List 11 and Root Words 29-32
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
— Determine which noun, pronoun, or adjective follows the verb completing the thought of the sentence.
Types of Poetry
— Summarize the meaning of a narrative poem, lyrical poem, sonnet, ode, and concrete poem.
43. Vocabulary List 12 and Root Words Review 17-32
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary word.
— Recall from a list vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words 17-32 with definitions.
44. Subject Complement: Predicate Nominative
— Discover in a sentence the linking verb and the predicate nominative that explains or renames the simple subject.
45. Simile and Metaphor
— Compare and contrast similes and metaphors.
46. Imagery
— Pick out the sensory words used in poetry examples.
47. Vocabulary List 13 and Root Words 33-36
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
48. Subject Complement: Predicate Adjective
— Discover in a sentence the linking verb and the predicate adjective that describes or modifies the simple subject.
49. Poetry Olympics
— Demonstrate an understanding of different poetry genres and elements of poetry by competing in a composition exercise.
Vocabulary List 14 and Root Words 37-40
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
50. Semester Exam Review
— Examine the concepts in grammar, poetry, and vocabulary pertinent for the semester exam.
51. Poetry Portfolio Presentations
— Show the poetry portfolio by sharing one original poems.
52. Vocabulary List 15 and Root Words 41-44
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
53. Direct Objects
— Select the noun in the sentence acting as a direct object.
— Utilize the two questions "who" and "what" to find the direct object.
54. Introduction to The Odyssey and Books 1-3
— Summarize the characteristics of an epic.
— Rephrase the definitions of the epic literary terms: epithet, theme, symbol, and the motifs related to The Odyssey.
— Show an understanding of The Odyssey by answering comprehension questions for Books 1-3.
Indirect Objects
— Distinguish the different complements in sentences: predicate nominative, predicate adjective, and direct object.
— Summarize the four indirect object questions: "to what," "for what," "to whom," and "for whom."
— Identify the indirect object in a sentence.
55. The Odyssey Books 4-6
— Interpret The Odyssey by answering comprehension questions for Books 4-6.
56. Thesis and Topic Sentence
— Explain the four elements of a thesis statement.
— Construct the thesis statement and three topic sentences for the hero composition.
— Extend the topic sentences with elaboration tools such as sensory details, incidents, and examples.
57. Vocabulary List 17 and Root Words 45-48
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
58. Capitalization
— Choose the correctly capitalized phrase from two choices based on the capitalization rules.
— Revise sentences by using capitals wherever necessary.
59. The Odyssey Books 7-9
— Interpret the Odyssey by answering questions for Book 7-9.
60. Elaboration and the Hero Composition
— Support each paragraph with elaboration using sensory details, incidents, and examples.
61. Vocabulary List 18 and Root Word Review 33-48
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words 33-48 with definitions.
62. Apostrophes
— Revise phrases by using apostrophes for the possessive case.
— Choose the correct choice in a sentence regarding singular, singular possessive, plural, and plural possessive forms of words.
63. The Odyssey Books 10-12
— Interpret Books 10-12 by answering comprehension questions.
64. Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles and the Journey Composition/Week 19
— Build a proper introduction for an essay by using the inverted triangle including the following:
1.) Grabber” or “hook”
2.) Introduce topic (most general)
3.) Explain topic
4.) “Bridge” sentence
5.) Thesis statement (most specific)
— Compose a concluding paragraph by incorporating the characteristics of a well-written conclusion.
— Plan a creative title that reflects the topic of the essay.
65. Vocabulary List 19 and Root Words 49-52
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
66. Fragments
— Discover a fragment as a separated sentence part that does not express a complete thought when given two groups of words.
— Develop sentences out of fragments.
67. The Odyssey Books 13-15
— Interpret The Odyssey by answering comprehension questions for Books 13-15.
68. Transitions
— Incorporate into essay writing sentence-level and paragraph-level transitions which signal relationships between ideas and help writing flow seamlessly together.
69. Vocabulary List 20 and Root Words 53-56
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
70. Run-ons
— Correct run-ons by using proper punctuation.
71. The Odyssey Books 16-18
— Interpret The Odyssey by answering comprehension questions for Books 16-18.
72. Eliminating Wordiness and the Temptation Composition
— Analyze sentences that use wordiness key words and rewrite them.
— Compare and contrast temptations that people might face today with the temptations Odysseus and his men faced in a well-developed essay.
73. Vocabulary List 21 and Root Words 57-60
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
74. Subject/Verb Agreement: Part I
— Label nouns and pronouns as singular or plural.
— Select subjects and verbs that agree in number.
79. The Odyssey Books 19-21
— Interpret The Odyssey by answering comprehension questions for Books 19-21.
80. Supporting Your Ideas
— Utilize examples, statistics, and testimonies to support the temptation composition.
81. Vocabulary List 22 and Root Words 61-64
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
82. Subject/Verb Agreement: Part II
— Categorize indefinite pronouns as either singular or plural.
— Analyze compound subjects joined by "and" or "or" to choose the correct singular or plural verb.
— Inspect subjects and verbs to make sure they agree in number.
83. The Odyssey Book 22-24
— Interpret The Odyssey by answering comprehension questions for Books 22-24.
84. Choose Your Words
— Cut redundant words and phrases from sentences to write concisely.
85. Clauses
— Examine clauses and identify them as independent or subordinate.
86. Writing a Summary
— Rephrase the steps of writing a summary.
— Summarize an article about WWII or the holocaust to 1/3 or 1/4 of its length.
87. Introduction of The Hiding Place and Chapters 1-2
— Survey the background for the cause of WWII and the holocaust.
— Infer the answers for The Hiding Place chapters 1-2 based on comprehension questions.
88. Vocabulary List 25 and Root Words 65-69
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
89. Prepositional Phrases
— Find prepositional phrases in sentences.
— Analyze whether the prepositional phrase is used as an adjective or adverb.
— Diagram prepositional phrases.
90. The Hiding Place Chapters 3-4
— Infer the answers for The Hiding Place chapters 3-4 based on comprehension questions.
91. Vocabulary and Root Words 70-74
— Recall Week 26 Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each Week 26 vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of Week 26 vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each Week 26 word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match Week 26 root words with definitions.
92. Participial Phrase
— Summarize the participle's definition, suffixes, and function.
— Diagram participial phrases.
93. The Hiding Place Chapter 5-6
— Infer the answers for The Hiding Place chapters 5-6 based on comprehension questions.
94. The Persuasive Essay
— Explain the purpose of and pattern for the persuasive essay.
— Compose a persuasive essay.
95. Vocabulary List 27 and Root Words 75-79
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
96. The Gerund Phrase
— Summarize the definition of the gerund phrase.
— Label the words in a gerund phrase.
— Diagram the gerund phrase.
97. The Hiding Place Chapters 7-9
— Explain text by answering comprehension questions.
98. Writing the Report:A Mini-Research Paper
— Select a research paper topic.
— Limit the research paper topic.
— Select reliable sources for the research paper topic.
99. Vocabulary List 28 and Root Words 80-84
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
100. Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
— Find the antecedent for the pronoun and match them in gender and number.
101. The Hiding Place Chapters 10-12
— Infer the answers for The Hiding Place chapters 10-12 based on comprehension questions.
102. Quote, Paraphrase, and Summarize
— Construct lead-ins for quotations.
— Extract information from a source and summarize or paraphrase this information.
— Choose and label as "quotation," "paraphrase," or "summary" the selected information from source material.
— Draft a topic outline for the research paper.
103. Vocabulary List 29 and Root Words 85-89
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
104. Correct Use of Modifiers
— Select the correct modifier in a sentence.
105. The Hiding Place Chapters 13-14
— Infer the answers for The Hiding Place chapters 13-14 based on comprehension questions.
106. Work Cited Page and In-text Citations
— Organize source material for a Works Cited page.
— Add in-text citations in proper format.
107. Vocabulary List 30 and Root Words 90-95
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
108. The Hiding Place Chapter 15-16
— Infer the answers for The Hiding Place chapters 15-16 based on comprehension questions.
109. Organizing the Report
— Organize the components of the report by referring to the checklist.
110. Vocabulary List 31 and Root Words 95-100
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word’s part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
111. Final Exam Semester Review
— Take part in a review of the literature, grammar, composition, and vocabulary for the final exam for the second semester.
112. Vocabulary List 23 and Root Words Review 49-64
— Recall Power Point presentation which illustrates each word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence sample.
— Pronounce each vocabulary and root word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
— Create a vocabulary card for each word including the word's part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
— Match root words with definitions.
113. Midterm Review
— Match vocabulary words with definitions.
— Recall characters, events, and terms for The Odyssey.
— Identify direct objects, indirect objects, complements, and fragments and run-ons.
— Choose which words in a sentence need to be capitalized or not capitalized.
— Diagram sentences with direct and indirect objects.
114. Choose Your Words
— Identify redundant phrases and replace these phrases with concise words.
115. Final Grammar Review
— Identify clauses as either independent or subordinate.
— Recognize words in sentences that should be capitalized.
— Inspect words to see if the apostrophe is correctly placed.
— Classify groups of words as fragments or run-ons.
— Match subjects and verbs to agree in number.
— Match pronouns with proper antecedents.
— Diagram sentences.