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NCAA Information

CEDAR is officially approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Sport Stadium

For our student athletes, you know what this means.

NCAA is the clearing house or governing body for student athletes desiring to play at the university level.

The NCAA has vetted our course in fine detail down to how we test, our grading rubric, the amount of coursework assigned weekly, instructor background, etc. Student athletes at CEDAR will now have their courses NCAA-approved.

Testimonials from CEDAR Athletic Students

CEDAR is better than an online school, because you physically attend a class with an actual teacher. This provides accountability because I physically see the teachers every week and it make me want to get my assignments completed on time. I feel more comfortable asking for help from someone I have met in person and see each week. My teachers seem more concerned that I understand the material well, then if I completed the required number of assignments on time. This has given more confidence and I then perform better. It can be a challenge keeping up with everything when going to school full time and practicing your sport full time. CEDAR has given me the ability to keep up with both. 


Testimonials from CEDAR Athletic Students' Parents

We appreciate the flexibility of homeschooling for competitive athletes. The demanding practice schedule can be grueling and makes it difficult to keep with the academic work load, while attending a traditional school. In the past, it often meant leaving home early to attend school, going to practice directly after school, and arriving home after 9 pm. Then needing to clean-up and eat dinner before starting homework. With the increased rigor of High School honors classes, that would mean a very late night each night. The freedom of a one day class schedule, has resulted in only one 12 hour day instead of five. This has allowed us to alter her practice schedule so that she has work time in the morning before practice, and time after practice to get extra instruction from us and still have down-time before bed. This has been a blessing to our entire family. It has helped keep her from burning out (physically and mentally) and allows us to give her assistance with her lessons at a time that is more convenient. The teachers at CEDAR have been flexible during travel season, by giving extra time to turn in a the few assignments that would be difficult or impossible to complete while traveling. They respond quickly when she needs clarification of assignments or instruction. Overall, CEDAR has been an instrumental part of helping our daughter succeed, not only academically, but also reach her goals in her chosen sport.

Susan and Mike

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