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English III Honors

Course ID: 1028

There will be three major components to this upper level English class. The first focus will be literature. The students will read a total of five novels during the year (3 classics and 2 contemporary). Each week they will engage in a Socratic discussion of the reading from the past week. The second focus will be building upon the writing skills they already have. During the first six weeks, the students will work on a personal narrative. It can also serve as an excellent essay to use on most college applications. They will continue to write essays all year (averaging about one essay a month). The final component is SAT preparation. The students will have SAT vocabulary quizzes each week. Each week in class the students will work on SAT grammar practice problems.

Resources and Materials:

  1. Unbroken

    — Author: Laura Hillenbrand

  2. Animal Farm

    — Author: George Orwel

  3. The Girl with Seven Names

    — Author: Hyeonseo Lee

  4. Screwtape Letters

    — Author: C.S. Lewis

  5. Vocabulary Power Plus Classic Level Ten

    — Author: Daniel A. Reed Prestwick House

    — ISBN-10: 978-1935467069

  6. The Complete Guide to ACT English 4th Edition

    — Author: Erica Meltzer

    — ISBN-13: 978-1-7335895-4-3

    — Please make sure you purchase the 4th edition.

  7. Seven Men:And the Secret of their Greatness OR Seven Women: And the Secret of Their Greatness

    — Author: Eric Metaxas

    — During the Christmas break, the students will be able to choose to read either one of these novels.

Categories: English
Target Levels: Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12
High School Credits: 1

Daryl Middlebrooks

Tuition and Class Schedule by Academic Term:

Full Year 2024-25

  • Tuition and Fees

    • Grading Fee: $80.00

    • Tuition Fee: $595.00

    • Paid Security Guard Fee for Safety of Students: $25.00

  • Section 1: Daryl Middlebrooks ( (Open)

    • Tue 10:50 am - 12:10 PM

Topics and Objectives
1. Literature Analysis
2. SAT Vocabulary
3. Grammar Review
4. Writing all Types of Essays (Focusing on Narrative, Informative, Persuasive)

Our mission is to provide quality, God-honoring academic face to face classes to assist parents in educating their children. CEDAR is a not-for-profit ministry serving families in our community. A value for CEDAR is for each family to be active and serving in their local church.
957 Rock Island Road
North Lauderdale, FL 33068

Beth Brookins
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