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Spanish I

Course ID: 1024

This program is designed to introduce students to the Spanish language and its culture. Students will be equipped with a structural foundation of vocabulary and grammar that will enable them to communicate in the target language at a beginning level. In addition, students will gain knowledge about Hispanic beliefs, values, social behavior and culture. They will memorize and recite Scripture passages to improve pronunciation skills and prepare to share the gospel with native Spanish-speakers. Spanish I receives a high school credit with a natural progression to Spanish II, meeting the state requirements for high school foreign language. This course is designed to strengthen the student's knowledge in five skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture. Average students should expect to spend about 4-5 hours a week outside of the classroom on their assignments for this class. Again, this estimate of 4-5 hours of outside classroom work is based on an average. If a student does not stay focused, or if a student is missing any pre-requisite knowledge necessary for this course, they may spend more than 4-5 hours a week. Conversely, if a student is gifted in this field, they may spend less than 4-5 hours a week of outside classroom time on assignments and studying.

Resources and Materials:

  1. Realidades 1 (2014 Edition)

    — Author: Boyles, Prentice Hall

    — ISBN-13: 9780133199659

    — Cost: FREE on loan from Sra. Ayala

    I have ten Spanish 1 textbooks available to lend out as long as supplies last. Each student is still responsible to purchase a workbook. Please email me at

  2. Realidades Level 1 - Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook (2014 Edition) ORDER EARLY! because they often go on back-order

    — Author: Prentice Hall

    — ISBN-13: 9780133225716

    — Cost: $24.00

    ORDER EARLY, because they often go on back-order!

    (This workbook is consumable and must be purchased new.)

  3. Spanish 1 Calendar

  4. Spanish 1 Information Letter

  5. Spanish 1 Course Syllabus

Categories: Foreign Language
Target Levels: Grade 8; Grade 9; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12
High School Credits: 1

Tuition and Class Schedule by Academic Term:

Full Year 2024-25

Topics and Objectives
1. 1 Para Empezar
— Greet people at different times of the day.
— Introduce yourself to others.
— Respond to classroom directions.
— Use numbers to tell time.
— Identify parts of the body.
2. 1A ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
— Talk about activities you like and don't like to do.
— Ask others what they like to do.
— Understand cultural perspectives on favorite activities.
3. 1B Y tú, ¿cómo eres?
— Talk about personality traits.
— Ask and tell what people are like.
— Use adjectives to describe people.
— Understand cultural perspectives on friendship.
4. 2A Tu día en la escuela
— Talk about school schedules and subjects.
— Discuss what students do during the day.
— Ask and tell who is doing an action.
— Compare your school with that of a student in a Spanish-speaking country.
5. 2B Tu sala de clases
— Describe a classroom.
— Indicate where things are located.
— Talk about more than one object or person.
— Understand cultural perspectives on school.
6. 3A ¿Desayuno o almuerzo?
— Talk about foods and beverages for breakfast and lunch.
— Talk about likes and dislikes.
— Express how often something is done.
— Understand cultural perspectives on meals.
7. 3B Para mantener la salud
— Talk about foods and beverages for dinner
— Describe what people or things are like.
— Discuss food, health, and exercise choices.
— Understand cultural perspectives on diet and health.
8. 4A ¿A dónde vas?
— Talk about locations in your community.
— Discuss leisure activities.
— Talk about where you go and with whom.
— Learn how to ask questions.
— Understand cultural perspectives on leisure activities.
9. 4B ¿Quieres ir conmigo?
— Talk about activities outside of school.
— Extend, accept, and decline invitations.
— Tell when an event happens.
— Understand cultural perspectives on after-school activities.
10. 5A Una fiesta de cumpleaños
— Describe families.
— Talk about celebrations and parties.
— Ask and tell ages.
— Express possession.
— Understand cultural perspectives on family and celebrations.
11. 5B ¡Vamos a un restaurante!
— Talk about family celebrations.
— Describe family members and friends.
— Ask politely to have something brought to you.
— Order a meal in a restaurant.
— Understand cultural perspectives on family celebrations.
12. 6A En mi dormitorio
— Talk about your bedroom.
— Describe bedroom items and electronic equipment.
— Make comparisons.
— Understand cultural perspectives on homes.
13. 6B ¿Cómo es tu casa?
— Identify rooms in a house.
— Name household chores.
— Tell where you live.
— Understand cultural perspectives on different types of housing.
14. 7A ¿Cuánto cuesta?
— Talk about clothes, shopping, and prices.
— Describe your plans.
— Talk about what you want and what you prefer.
— Point out specific items.
— Understand cultural perspectives on shopping.

Our mission is to provide quality, God-honoring academic face to face classes to assist parents in educating their children. CEDAR is a not-for-profit ministry serving families in our community. A value for CEDAR is for each family to be active and serving in their local church.
957 Rock Island Road
North Lauderdale, FL 33068

Beth Brookins
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