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Course ID: 1020

Course Description:

Fact: Good verbal communication is the main competency employers seek followed by writing proficiency.

Fact: Rhetoric ranked with reading, writing, and arithmetic as a required subject in 19th and 20th century American schools.

Fact: With the increase of technology comes a noticeable deficiency in communication skills.

With choosing a root canal over experiencing stage fright, students can remedy this fear while increasing confidence in public speaking through a variety of genres including proper etiquette in conversation; personal experience speaking; demonstration, impromptu, sales presentation, and informational speeches; Scripture and poetry interpretation; pantomime; monologues; duet acting, and more while emphasizing verbal and nonverbal techniques.

Speech class uses a curriculum created and written by the instructor Andrea Gardner drawing from over thirty years of teaching and coaching home school students. One-on-one coaching and detailed feedback on teacher evaluations are given. See the video of students in class: Video

Parental Involvement:

A weekly day-by-day assignment sheet details how to accomplish each speech. Parents initial each day’s work and evaluate the speeches with parent evaluation sheets. The practice and coaching given at home prepares the student for a successful experience in class. The assignment sheets, class notes, and evaluation sheets are provided for printing on Toolbox. The grade involves 50% performance and 50% homework. Required work at home varies but usually involves between 15-30 minutes each day.

Introduction to Speech Video: Video

Speech Class Tutorial: Video

Home School Evaluation: Information

Introduction to Speech Video: Video

Speech Class Tutorial: Video

Home School Evaluation: Information

Categories: Elective; English; Speech
Target Levels: Grade 6; Grade 7; Grade 8; Grade 9; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12

Tuition and Class Schedule by Academic Term:

Full Year 2024-25

  • Tuition and Fees

    • Tuition Fee: $595.00

    • Grading Fee: $60.00

    • Paid Security Guard Fee for Safety of Students: $25.00

    • Curriculum Fee: $50.00

  • Section 1: Andrea Gardner ( (Open)

    • Tue 9:25 am - 10:45 am

Topics and Objectives
1. Course Outline
— Recall class procedures, grading and deadlines, and submitting work.
2. Importance of Speech Training and Tips for Public Speeches
— Recall the vitalness of communication skills.
— Summarize the steps for acquiring good communication skills.
— Generalize what God's Word has to say about the Christian's speech.
3. Scripted Personal Experience Speech
— Compose a one-minute personal experience speech.
— Present the speech by reading from the script using a clear approach to the front of class and clear verbal skills.
4. Conversation
— Carry on a conversation with a close relation and an acquaintance.
— Listen well and pass the conversation back and forth.
5. Scripted Personal Experience Speech Performance
— Present a personal experience reading from a script using the approach, handling of a script, and effective vocal and body expression.
6. Conversations Performance
— Conduct an impromptu conversation with classmates using a prompt.
— Implement the proper etiquette points for conversing.
7. Phone, Introductions, and Personal Experience Speech 2
— Summarize the steps for proper phone and people introductions.
— Call a friend's home using proper phone etiquette.
— Practice introducing people using the correct order of introductions and a phrase to connect those being introduced.
— Compose a personal experience speech using an outline and keycard.
— Memorize the main plot line and create an attention-getting introduction and lesson-learned conclusion.
— Evaulate a former student's personal experience speech on Youtube.
8. Personal Experience Speech Practice
— Present a personal experience using a keycard with memorized introduction and conclusion.
9. The Spoken Word and Tongue Twisters
— Compare and contrast the ennunciation and pronunciation.
— Recite tongue twisters with correct ennunciation and pronounciation.
10. Impromptu
— Define the impromptu speech.
— Name the five steps to impromptu speech writing.
11. Personal Experience Speech 2 Performance
— Share a personal experience without reading from a script using a keycard.
— Implement the proper approach, eye contact, vocal and body expression, and a memorized introduction conclusion.
12. Tongue Twister Practice
— Pronounce and ennunciate challenging tongue twisters.
— Read orally the tongue twisters with ease of enunciation, pronunciation, proper expression and rate.
13. Impromptu Practice
— Prepare a three-minute impromptu speech from a given prompt.
— Present the impromptu speech using a keycard for main points.
14. Object Lesson
— Evaluate different object lessons via video and script to select one for performance.
— Summarize the script which teaches a biblical truth using an object.
— Retell the lesson using a Bible verse, the object, and a keycard.
— Adjust object lesson in response to parent's evaluation.
— Define the object lesson.
15. Impromptu Performance
— Prepare in three minutes an impromptu speech with the five components given a prompt.
— Present the impromptu speech using a key card.
16. Visual Aids
— Recall guidelines for using visual aids during a presentation.
17. Impromptu Performance
— Prepare In three minutes an impromptu speech with all five components from a given prompt.
— Present an impromptu speech on a given topic or object with the five components and transitions.
18. Using Visual Aids
— Summarize the guidelines for using visual aids including the size, handling, and timing.
19. Object Lesson Practice Phase 1
— Present the object lesson using the object, a keycard, and Bible verse.
20. Tongue Twister Practice
— Read fluently teacher-selected sentences with proper enunciation and pronunciation.
21. Tongue Twister Performance
— Speak fluently three tongue twister sentences selected by the teacher for evaluation.
22. Gesturing Tips
— Describe how gestures should be made.
— Recite sentences incorporating appropriate gestures.
23. Object Lesson Practice Phase 2
— Present an object lesson with an object, keycard, and Bible verse.
— Adjust the object lesson according to evaluative comments of teacher and parent.
24. Object Lesson Performance
— Present an object lesson for children using a key card, Bible verse, and object while speaking and demonstrating the object.
25. Sales Presentation
— Define the purpose of a sales presentation.
— Summarize the five parts of a sales presentation.
— Name the seven principles of persuasion.
26. Sales Presentation Practice
— Persuade an audience to buy a product.
— Incorporate the five components for a sales presentation.
— Review teacher and parent evaluation and make adjustments to improve the sales presentation.
27. Informative Speech
— Define an informative speech.
— Summarize the layout of an informative speech.
— Research three sources on topic chosen for informative speech.
— Record bibliography information on note cards for sources.
— Compose a tentative outline for the informative speech.
— Extract information on fifteen note cards that support the outline points.
28. Informative Speech Sentence Outline
— Compose a sentence outline with an introduction, conclusion, main points and transitional sentences.
29. Sales Presentation Performance
— Persuade an audience to buy a product.
— Incorporate the five components for a sales presentation.
— Review teacher and parent evaluation and make adjustments to improve the sales presentation.
30. Informative Speech Practice
— Present the memorized introduction and point one of the informative speech using a key card only.
31. Scripture Interpretation
— Define Scripture Interpretation.
— Distinguish the difference between recitation and interpretation.
— Select a Scripture passage and analyze the meaning and how to emphasis, phrase, and word color the passage to add in interpretation.
— Research a Bible commentary to add with understanding the passage.
— Memorize the first one third of the passage.
32. Informative Speech Final Practice
— Present the informative speech with memorized introduction, conclusion, three main points, and transitional statements.
— Share information about an animal for the informative speech that will educated the audience.
— Incorporate a visual aid that will enhance the informative speech presentation.
— Adjust the presentation based on suggestions of parents, teachers, and students.
33. Informative Speech Performance
— Present a five-minute informative speech using a keycard, visual aid, memorized intro and conclusion, three points, and transitional statements.
34. Scripture Passage
— Orally read the selected Scripture passage with interpretive elements in class.
— Memorize two thirds of the passage.
— Record voice to evaluate word coloring, pronunciation, enunciation, interpretation, and phrasing of passage.
— Review parent evaluation and implement comments for Scripture passage interpretation.
35. Storytelling
— Recall the history of storytelling.
— Use the imagination embellishing an Aesop's fable.
— Enlarge the vocabulary while recounting the story.
— Recount events in using one's own words using distinct voices for the narrator and characters.
36. Scripture Passage Interpretation
— Present the Scripture passage for memory with the introduction.
— Use proper phrasing, vocal expression, and body language to interpret the Scripture passage.
37. Mechanics of Voice and Vocal Process Part 1
— Implement proper respiration by using the diaphragm correctly.
— Recognize by hearing examples of improper breathing: thoracic and clavicular.
— Practice sending the correct amount of air past the relaxed vocal folds.
38. Aesop's Fable
— Retell with plot embellishments the Aesop fable for memory.
— Incorporate different voices for the Aesop fable characters.
39. Fairy Tales
— Select a fairy tales after reading a variety of choices.
— Retell the fairy tale without memorizing word for word.
40. Scripture Interpretation Performance
— Present a memorized Scripture passage including and original introduction.
— Interpret the passage using affective vocal techniques and body language.
41. Aesop' Fable Final Practice
— Retell the fable and its moral using distinct voices and storytelling techniques.
42. The Vocal Process
— Practice proper resonation and articulation.
43. Fairy Tale
— Evaluate a former student's fairy tale performance.
— Analyze the fairy tale's plot and characters.
44. Aesop's Fable Performance
— Present a fable using distinct characterization and storytelling techniques.
45. Characteristics of the Voice
— Define pitch and rate.
— Explain when to use a certain pitch and rate.
46. Improvisational Storytelling
— Create a spontaneous story working together as a class.
47. Writing a Fairy Tale Introduction
— Compose an attention-getting introduction which includes the theme of the fairy tale.
48. Fairy Tale
— Present a fairy tale with a memorized introduction using distinct character voices, stances, and body movements.
— Evaluate a self-recording of the fairy tale.
49. Voice Characteristics
— Explain when and why to vary voice force.
— Define voice quality.
50. Poetry Interpretaion
— Define poetry interpretation.
— Review the advantages of interpreting poetry.
— Apply the steps of interpreting poetry by answering analysis questions.
— Select a poem from a list of choices.
— Evaluate the key characteristics of poetry interpretation by watching a sample student's performances.
— Locate poetic devices in the selected poem.
— Research the poet's biographical background and purpose for writing the poem.
51. Fairy Tale
— Present the fairy tale incorporating all storytelling techniques.
— Analyzie the evaluation sheets from self and parent evaluation to implement improvements.
52. Storytelling Performance
— Present a memorized fair tale introduction and recount the fairy tale using characterization and story telling techniques.
— Communicate the story on a child's level.
53. Poetry Interpretation Practice Day
— Present the poem with proper vocal characteristics, phrasing, and interpretive skills.
54. Poetry Script Revision and Writing an Introduction
— Mark the poem script with symbols which will aid in interpreting the words.
— Write and memorize an attention-getting poem that includes the theme.
55. Solo Pantomime
— Write a solo pantomime sketch with a clear beginning, conflict, climax and resolution.
— Present the solo pantomime with big gestures, clear object representation, and facial expression.
56. Duet Mime
— Create a possible scenario for two mimes and select a possible partner.
57. Pantomime Exercises
— Improvise pantomime actions given a prompt.
58. Poetry Performance
— Present a poetry interpretation including a memorized introduction and memorized poem.
— Interpret the poem by using word coloring, phrasing, varied pitch and force, and body and facial expression.
59. Solo Mime Practice
— Present an original solo pantomime including a conflict, climax, and resolution using only non-verbal communication.
60. Duet Pantomime
— Discuss with the duet mime partner an original sketch idea.
61. Final Solo Pantomime Practice
— Mime an original sketch non-verbally including a complete plot line.
— Demonstrate the correct size and weight of "objects."
— Maintain consistency with placement of objects.
— Perform using the characteristics of exaggerated, distinct mime movements.
62. Monologues
— Define monologues.
— Restate the general rules for monologues.
— Review the steps for effective characterization.
— Recognize stock characters.
63. Duet Mime Workshop
— Practice duet mime by creating a story using non-verbal communication and mime techniques.
64. Solo Pantomime Performance
— Present an original mime sketch using mime techniques and a clearly developed plot.
65. Preparing a Monologue
— Mark the script to indicate pauses, word emphasis, and emotional builds.
66. Duet Mime Final Practice
— Interact with the mime partner to create an original sketch with clear plot development, movements, and characterization.
67. Duet Pantomime Performance
— Pantomime with a classmate an original scenario which has a conflict, climax, and conclusion.
— Incorporate miming techniques using body movement and by manipulating objects to give the illusion of the tangible.
68. Monologue Practice
— Present for memory a portion of the monologue.
— Interpret the monologue by presenting a believable character in voice, movement, and facial expression.
— Look and respond to imaginary characters.
69. Monologue Introduction
— Compose a polished monologue introduction which whets the audience's appetite for the piece and informs the audience of the theme, title, and author.
70. Final Monologue Practice
— Present the monologue introduction and piece for memory.
— Use interpretative skills to portray a believable character in voice, action, and face.
— Pause, listen, and respond to imaginary characters.
71. Improvisation
— Define improvisation.
— Recall the steps to successful improvisation.
— Participate in class improvisation working together to create a story line.
72. Monologue Performance
— Present a monologue by interpreting the character and story using a different voice, stance, and body movement to portray a believable character.
73. Acting
— Define acting and the actor.
— Recall the history of acting.
— Differentiate between emotional and technical acting.
— Contrast and identify the protagonist and antagonist of the duet act.
— Analyze the character by answering analysis questions.
— Prepare the duet act script by labeling lines with emotional motives and pausing.
— Memorize the first two thirds of the duet act.
74. Stage Directions
— Define stage directions.
— Notate stage directions that have motivational backing.
75. Duet Act
— Memorize entire script.
— Stage move while reciting lines.
— Discuss with duet partner stage movements.
76. Improvisational Practice
— Improvize a given scenario with class mates.
77. Duet Act Practice
— Present a shared introduction for the duet act.
— Work together with partner and teacher to fine tune stage movements and interpretation of character.
— Practice with partner during the week.
78. Improvisational Exercises
— Create on the spot a character and situation while playing off other classmates.
79. Open House Selection
— Revisit a past speech and fine tune it for the Open House.
— Review evaluation notes from teacher for past speech to improved and practice for Open House.
80. Dress Rehearsal Acting Sketch
— Present acting sketch with costume, props, good characterization, climactic build, vocal, facial, and stage movements appropriate to the piece.
— Introduce the acting sketch with a shared introduction.
— Review parent and teacher critiques and make necessary improvements.
— Video record and acting sketch making necessary adjustments.
81. Dress Rehearsal Open House Selection
— Present the Open House selection performance ready.
— Respond to critique comment of parent and teacher.
82. Performance Day: Duet Act
— Present a acting scene with believable characterization and stage movement.
— Build the duet act to a climax.
— Present a shared introduction with partner for duet act.
83. Final Practice: Open House Selection
— Practice performance ready the Open House Selection.
84. Speech Class Parent and Student Evaluation
— Access the class, assignments, and teaching methods by answering a series of speech class questions.
85. Performance Day: Open House Selection
— Perform selection of choice for parents.
— Adjust and adapt to the size of the audience in volume and rapport.
86. Final Duet Pantomime Practice
— Pantomime with a classmate an original scenario which has a conflict, climax, and conclusion.
— Incorporate miming techniques using bodily movement and by manipulating objects and giving the illusion of the tangible.
— Respond to teacher's critique and incorporate these suggestions.

Our mission is to provide quality, God-honoring academic face to face classes to assist parents in educating their children. CEDAR is a not-for-profit ministry serving families in our community. A value for CEDAR is for each family to be active and serving in their local church.
957 Rock Island Road
North Lauderdale, FL 33068

Beth Brookins
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