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English II Honors

English II is the second course in a series of high school language arts courses composed of grammar, composition, American literature, and vocabulary designed for tenth graders that have completed English I Honors. Newly enrolled students to CEDAR may be advised to take English I first depending on the Diagnostic Test results. While students are expected to be proficient in grammar, weekly grammar review sheets including parts of speech, sentence parts, phrases, clauses, complements, verbals, punctuation and diagramming will be completed at home, graded by the parent with scores submitted to the instructor. In addition, ten new vocabulary words will be introduced weekly. Students will create electronic notecards using Word for submission, and parents will administer a weekly quiz on the words. Literature is the third component covering classic American literature from a Christian perspective. Some in-class literature comprehension quizzes will be administered. For composition the students will become more proficient in writing the five-paragraph essay and experiment with other kinds of writing. The American Author Research Report is a project involving five separate writing assignments.
Major tests will be given at the midpoint and end of each semester covering all four components of the class. These tests will be administered at home, submitted, and graded by the instructor.

Student Involvement: Please be prepared for weekly writing, reading, vocabulary, and grammar assignments. Students will be required to carefully review and look up MLA and Punctuation comments made on graded compositions.

Parent Involvement: Parents will be responsible for grading vocabulary quizzes, literature homework completion, and grammar homework. Keys will be supplied and the parent NOT THE STUDENT is to honestly grade the work. The parent NOT THE STUDENT is to poll the score. Students will submit work through Study Place.

Parent’s and Student’s Responsibility: Watch the English II Course and Studyplace Tutorial before Open House.

Prerequisites: Diagnostic Test for English I must be taken IF students have not completed CEDAR English I. The student has seven days to take the test after registering for the class. Approval for class will be contingent upon the timely completion and receipt of this test as well as receipt of a $25 grading fee check payable to Andrea Gardner. The test must be printed and handwritten except for the essay which should be typed. The test must be mailed or hand delivered. No electronic submissions. The payments must be by check only. If mailing the test send to Andrea Gardner, 10102 Boynton Place Circle, Boynton Beach, FL 33437.

Summer Preparation: 1.) Students should be proficient in typing as all assignments are typed. 2.) Students should also watch the Composition Formatting Video and Vocabulary Cards Tutorial. 3.) Read and learn the MLA and Punctuation rules. 4.) Students should also master the following lists which can be found online: list of linking verbs, helping verbs, prepositions, and the eight parts of speech definitions. 5.) Microsoft Word should be installed on the student's laptop. 6.) Reading two books of the student's choice is recommended.

Home School Evaluation: Information

Categories: English; Honors; Literature
Target Levels: Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12
High School Credits: 1

Tuition and Class Schedule by Academic Term:

Full Year 2024-25

  • Tuition and Fees

    • Grading Fee: $80.00

    • Tuition Fee: $595.00

    • Paid Security Guard Fee for Safety of Students: $25.00

    • Curriculum Fee: $50.00

  • Section 1: Andrea Gardner ( (Open)

    • Tue 10:50 am - 12:10 PM

Topics and Objectives
1. Course Outline
— Recognize the scope and sequence of English II.
2. Notebook Setup
— Organize the notebook into sections.
— Place the proper worksheet under the correct section of the notebook.
3. Class Rules
— Reiterate the classroom procedures and etiquette.
— Recall how and when to submit work.
4. Document Design and Format
— Reference the DDF for proper composition setup.
5. Punctuation
— Reference the Punctuation Guidelines worksheet for all mechanical questions.
6. Academic Integrity Pledge
— Read and sign the academic pledge.
7. Vocabulary
— Recognize the importance of building an extensive vocabulary.
8. Vocabulary Presentation
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each vocabulary word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence example.
— Pronounce each vocabulary word.
— Recall from a list of the vocabulary words the general definition for each word.
9. Vocabulary Cards
— Create a card for each word including the word's part of speech, dictionary definition, two synonyms, and an original contextually sound sentence.
10. Vocabulary Quiz
— Match words with definitions, synonyms, and antonyms and insert words into sentences based on context.
— Recall previous words and definitions.
11. Nouns
— Define and classify nouns
— Select nouns from a passage.
12. American Literature
— Explain the importance of studying American literature.
— Define a classic.
13. Short Story Elements
— Define and memorize the elements of a short story.
14. Frank Stockton and "The Lady or the Tiger?"
— Annotate while reading "The Lady or the Tiger?"
— Answer literal, inferential, and evaluative questions.
15. Vocabulary List 2
— Recall the Power Point presentation which illustrates each vocabulary word with a picture and a contextually sound sentence example.
— Pronounce each vocabulary word.
— Recall from a list of vocabulary words the general defintion for each word.
16. Verbs
— Define the three types of verbs.
— Memorize the linking verbs.
— Memorize the helping verbs.
— Recognize verbs and verb phrases in sentences.
— Distinguish if a verb is active or passive voice.
— Rewrite passive voice verb sentences into active voice verb sentences.
17. The Lady or the Tiger Discussion
— Summarize the short story elements in "The Lady or the Tiger?"
— Debate the outcome of the story.
18. Share Original Ending to "The Lady or the Tiger?"
— Select which original ending seemed the most believablle after hearing student's compositions.
19. O. Henry and "The Cop and the Anthem"
— Recall facts about O. Henry's life and pseudonym.
— Identify the general topic of "The Cop and the Anthem."
— Annotate to aid with answering questions regarding short story elements and comprehension of the short story.
20. Paragraph Writing
— Define the topic sentence and supporting sentences.
— Compose an opinion paragraph with a clear topic sentence and directly-related supporting sentences.
21. Cumulative Vocabulary Review
— Match the definition to a list of words from lists 1-3.
22. Grammar Cumulative Review
— Recall definitions and lists of parts of speech.
23. Pronoun
— Define the pronoun.
— Describe the types of pronouns: personal, reflexive, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite.
— Repeat the lists for each type of pronoun.
— Find and distinguish the various types of pronouns in a sentence.
24. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
— Recall general facts about Ambrose Bierce and "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"
25. Homeless Paragraph
— Share orally the original composition on the homeless.
— Critique students' compositions for content.
26. The Cop and the Anthem
— Discuss the comprehension and short story elements of "The Cop and the Anthem."
27. Eliminating "Be" Verbs
— Revise sentences to avoid "be" verbs.
28. American Author Research Project
— Summarize the five sections of gathering facts for the author project.
— Select an American author from a list of choices for the American Author Research Project.
29. Adjective
— Define the adjective.
— Recite the four adjective questions.
— Distinguish words as either pronouns or adjectives.
— List the articles.
— Locate proper, pronominal, personal, reflexive, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite pronouns in sentences.
30. "The Tell Tale Heart" and Edgar Allan Poe
— Summarize key facts about Edgar A. Poe and "The Tell Tale Heart."
— Annotate "The Tell Tale Heart."
— Identify the short story elements in "The Tell Tale Heart."
— Locate sensory details in "The Tell Tale Heart."
— Illustrate literary devices from "The Tell Tale Heart" by citing examples.
31. The Writing Process
— Memorize the five steps to the writing process.
— Contrast the difference between the thesis statement and the topic sentence.
— Underline the topic and clincher sentences in a scrambled paragraph.
— Recall the characteristics of a thesis statement.
— Recall the order of information for an introductory paragraph.
— Describe the characteristics of a good "hook."
— Review the types of introductions to avoid.
32. Author Research Project: Section 1
— Select an American author.
— Research the information needed for the Author Wheel.
33. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
— Discuss the short story elements and questions of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."
34. Adverb
— Tell what words adverbs modify.
— Memorize the adverb questions.
— Underline adverbs in sentences.
— Select the word the adverb modifies.
35. Essay Writing
— Restate the components of an essay.
— Review a sample essay outline.
36. "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"
— Summarize key facts about Twain and "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County."
— Annotate "The Celebrated Jumping Frog."
— Locate the short story elements in "The Celebrated Jumping Frog."
— Define colloquial language, frame story, and local color writing.
37. "The Tell-Tale Heart"
— Discuss the short story elements and questions for "The Tell-Tale Heart."
38 .Preposition
— Define the preposition.
— Differentiate between a preposition functioning as an adverb or a preposition.
— Memorize the preposition list.
— Define the compound preposition.
— List the compound prepositions.
— Define the prepositional phrase.
— Underline prepositional phrases and label each word.
39. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
— Recall general biographical information about James Thurber.
— Summarize the general plot of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."
— Answer comprehension and inferential questions about "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."
40. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
— Discuss the answers to "Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County."
41. Transitions
— Recall the job of transitional words and phrases to link ideas.
— Choose which transitional expression best links the ideas together in a serious of sample paragraphs.
42. Conjunctions and Interjections
— Review the list of conjunctions.
— Recognize coordinating, correlative, and subordinating conjunctions in sentences.
— Define the interjection.
— Underline interjections in sentences.
43. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
— Discuss the answers to "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."
44. The Pedestrian
— Recall biographical information about Ray Bradbury.
— Annotate "The Pedestrian."
— Answer comprehension and inferential questions for "The Pedestrian."
45. Biographical Essay
— Edit and revise the essay to create the final draft.
46. Famous Quotations (Section 3) Author Research Project
— Compile and explain chosen author's famous quoatations.
47. Cumulative Vocabulary Review
— Choose the correct vocabulary word for the defintion.
48. The Pedestrian
— Answer short story elements and comprehension questions for class discussion.
49. Cumulative Literature Review
— Define literature terms.
— Summarize short story elements for all stories covered.
— Connect the characters and direct quotations to the right short story.
50. Cumulative Composition Review
— Review essay and writing process notes.
51. Cumulative Grammar Review
— Identify all parts of speech within sentences.
52. Subject and Predicate
— Define the subject and predicate of a sentence.
— Locate the simple subject and predicate.
— Recall the method for locating subjects of imperative and interrogative sentences as well as sentences starting with there and here.
— Locate compound subjects and verbs.
— Label the function of each word.
— Diagram sentences.
53. Poetry Terminology
— Give the meaning of various poetry devices.
— Pick out poetry devices in poem selections.
54. "America for Me" and "America Has Schoolmasters"
— Analyze poems for content and poetry devices.
— Recall biographical information of Henry Van Dyke and Robert Coffin.
55. Our Town
— Recall the background information on the author and theme of Thorton Wilder's Our Town.
56. Literary Analysis Essay
— Compose a five-paragraph essay on the short story or poem of choice for the author report.
— Summarize the content, theme, and short story elements or poetry devices used in the essay selection.
57. Cumulative Vocabulary Review
— Recall meaning of vocabulary words from lists one through seven.
58. Poetic Terms
— Define various devices that are used in poetry.
59. Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives
— Locate and define the subject complements: predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives.
— Label and diagram each word in sentences emphasizing predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives.
60. "They Have Yarns" and "The Mule"
— Recap biographical details about Carl Sandburg and Josh Billings.
— Read and analyze Sandburg and Billings' pieces by answering questions.
— Create lines to add to the poem and essay studied.
61. Author Research Report Bibliography
— Organize a Work Cited page for the Author Research Report by entering the bibliography information into a website designed for this purpose.
62. Our Town — Read and analyze assigned pages of Our Town.
— Answer oral quiz questions from the reading of Our Town
63. Direct and Indirect Objects
— Define direct and indirect objects.
— Recite the questions to ask to locate direct and indirect objects.
— Locate and label direct and indirect objects in sentences.
— Label and diagram sentences containing direct and indirect objects.
— Differentiate between the four subject complements: predicate nominatives and adjectives and direct and indirect objects.
64. The Fireside Poets
— Recall biographical information of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
— Analyze for poetic terms and content "The Village Blacksmith."
— Recall biographical information of John Greenleaf Whittier.
— Analyze for poetic terms and content "Maud Muller."
65. Author Research Project Final Draft
— Make final revision and compile the five sections of the report.
— Review the Author Research Project Rubric as a checklist for proofing.
66. Fragments
— Define a fragment.
— Distinguish from two groups of words which is a fragment and which is a complete sentence.
— Label and diagram sentences.
67. Negro Spiritual
— Define the Negro Spiritual.
— Analyze various Negro Spirituals.
68. Writing an American Poem
— Choose a genre and topic for an original poem.
— Write a poem with mature vocabulary, a creative title, an emotional appeal, and poetic devices.
69. Run-Ons
— Recognize run-on sentences.
— Correct run-ons by using one of the five standard revisions.
70. Hymn and Hymn Writers
— Recall biographical information Thomas Chisholm and Fanny Crosby.
— Analyze three hymns.
71. Original Poem
— Review the format and rubric for the original poem.
— Write an original poem with an American theme.
72. Hymns
— Review questions about the hymns, their composers, and the content.
73. Early American Popular Songs
— Listen to "Oh, Shenandoah," "The Ballad of the Boll Weevil," and "Oh, Susanna."
— Answer comprehension questions about these songs.
— Recall biographical facts of Stephen Foster and "Oh, Susanna."
74. Indefinite Pronouns
— Recognize the improper use of the pronouns: it, they, and you.
— Rewrite sentences to avoid using the informal usage of the pronouns - it, they, and you.
75. Final Exam Review
— Grasp the overview of what to study for the 1st Semester Final Exam.
76. Our Town Summary
— Recall themes, events in Acts I, II, and III, symbolism, quotations, and general information.
77. Vocabulary Review
— Select the correct vocabulary word from a list when given the definition.
78. Grammar Review
— Identify the eight parts of speech in sentences.
— Find and identify the subject complements: DO, IO, PN, and PA.
— Distinguish whether a group of words make up a sentence, fragment, or run-on.
— Notice informal writing errors of using the indefinite pronouns - it, you, and they, and correct these sentences.
— Label and diagram sentences which include subject complements.
79. Literature and Composition Review
— Match the author with his work.
— Match the excerpt with its work.
— Identify poetic elements in selected excerpts.
— Define poetic terminology.
— Recall biographical information, themes, and summaries of poems and songs.
— Discuss the theme, symbolism, and view of the afterlife for Our Town.

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